Port Numbers and There usage


There are 65,535 Port Numbers of that  0-1023 are well known port numbers, 1024-49,151 are Registered 49,152-65,535 are Dynamic or private ports.

Below are some of the well known ports:-
Port                                                     Description status
0/TCP,UDP                                                          Reserved; do not use (but is a permissible source port value)
1/TCP,UDP TCPMUX                                       (TCP port service multiplexer) Official
5/TCP,UDP                                                          RJE (Remote Job Entry)
7/TCP,UDP                                                          ECHO protocol
9/TCP,UDP                                                          DISCARD protocol 
11/TCP,UDP                                                       SYSTAT protocol
13/TCP,UDP                                                       DAYTIME protocol
17/TCP,UDP                                                       QOTD (Quote of the Day) protocol
18/TCP,UDP                                                       Message Send Protocol 
19/TCP,UDP                                                       CHARGEN (Character Generator) protocol 
20/TCP FTP –                                                    Data Port 
21/TCP FTP -                                                     Control (command) port 
22/TCP,UDP                                                       SSH (Secure Shell) - used for secure logins, file transfers (scp, sftp) and port forwarding 
23/TCP,UDP                                                       Telnet protocol - unencrypted text communications 
25/TCP,UDP SMTP                                            Used for e-mail routing between mail-servers E-mails 
26/TCP,UDP RSFT                                             A simple FTP-like protocol 
35/TCP,UDP                                                       QMS Magicolor 2 printer 
37/TCP,UDP                                                       TIME protocol 
38/TCP,UDP                                                       Route Access Protocol 
39/TCP,UDP                                                       Resource Location Protocol 
41/TCP,UDP                                                       Graphics
42/TCP,UDP                                                       Host Name Server 
42/TCP,UDP                                                       WINS [1] 
43/TCP                                                                WHOIS protocol 
49/TCP,UDP                                                       TACACS Login Host protocol 
53/TCP,UDP                                                       DNS (Domain Name System) 
57/TCP                                                                MTP, Mail Transfer Protocol
67/UDP                                                               BOOTP (BootStrap Protocol) server; also used by DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
68/UDP                                                               BOOTP client; also used by DHCP 
69/UDP                                                               TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) 
70/TCP                                                                Gopher protocol 
79/TCP                                                                Finger protocol 
80/TCP                                                                HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) - used for transferring web pages 
81/TCP                                                                HTTP Alternate (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 
81/TCP                                                                Torpark - Onion routing ORport 
82/UDP                                                               Torpark - Control Port Unofficial
88/TCP                                                                Kerberos - authenticating agent
101/TCP                                                             HOSTNAME
102/TCP                                                             ISO-TSAP protocol 
107/TCP                                                             Remote Telnet Service
109/TCP                                                             POP, Post Office Protocol, version 2
110/TCP                                                             POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) - used for retrieving E-mails 
111/TCP                                                              UDP SUNRPC protocol 
113/TCP                                                              Identity - old server identification system, still used by IRC servers to identify its users
115/TCP                                                              SFTP, Simple File Transfer Protocol
117/TCP                                                              UUCP-PATH 
118/TCP,UDP                                                    SQL Services 
119/TCP                                                              NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) - used for retrieving newsgroups messages 
123/UDP                                                             NTP (Network Time Protocol) - used for time synchronization 
135/TCP,UDP                                                    EPMAP (End Point Mapper) / Microsoft RPC Locator Service 
137/TCP,UDP                                                    NetBIOS NetBIOS Name Service 
138/TCP,UDP                                                    NetBIOS NetBIOS Datagram Service 
139/TCP,UDP                                                    NetBIOS NetBIOS Session Service 
143/TCP,UDP                                                    IMAP4 (Internet Message Access Protocol 4) - used for retrieving E-mails 
152/TCP,UDP                                                    BFTP, Background File Transfer Program
153/TCP,UDP                                                    SGMP, Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol
156/TCP,UDP                                                    SQL Service 
158/TCP,UDP                                                    DMSP, Distributed Mail Service Protocol
161/TCP,UDP                                                    SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
162/TCP,UDP                                                    SNMPTRAP
170/TCP                                                              Print-Server
179/TCP                                                              BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) 
194/TCP                                                              IRC (Internet Relay Chat) 
201/TCP,UDP                                                    AppleTalk Routing Maintenance
209/TCP,UDP                                                    The Quick Mail Transfer Protocol
213/TCP,UDP                                                    IPX 
218/TCP,UDP                                                    MPP, Message Posting Protocol
220/TCP,UDP                                                    IMAP, Interactive Mail Access Protocol, version
259/TCP,UDP                                                    ESRO, Efficient Short Remote Operations
264/TCP,UDP                                                    BGMP, Border Gateway Multicast Protocol
311/TCP                                                             Apple Server-Admin-Tool, Workgroup-Manager-Tool
318/TCP,UDP                                                   TSP, Time Stamp Protocol
323/TCP,UDP                                                    IMMP, Internet Message Mapping Protocol
383/TCP,UDP                                                    HP OpenView HTTPs Operations Agent
366/TCP,UDP                                                    SMTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. ODMR, On-Demand Mail Relay
369/TCP,UDP                                                     Rpc-2-portmap
371/TCP,UDP                                                     ClearCase albd 
384/TCP,UDP                                                     A Remote Network Server System
387/TCP,UDP                                                     AURP, AppleTalk Update-based Routing Protocol
389/TCP,UDP                                                     LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) 
401/TCP,UDP                                                     UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply 
411/TCP                                                              Direct Connect Hub port 
412/TCP                                                              Direct Connect Client-To-Client port 
427/TCP,                                                              UDP SLP (Service Location Protocol) 
443/TCP                                                              HTTPS - HTTP Protocol over TLS/SSL (encrypted transmission) 
444/TCP,UDP                                                    SNPP, Simple Network Paging Protocol
445/TCP                                                              Microsoft-DS (Active Directory, Windows shares, Sasser worm, Agobot, Zobotworm) Official
445/UDP                                                             Microsoft-DS SMB file sharing Official
464/TCP,UDP                                                    Kerberos Change/Set password Official
465/TCP                                                              SMTP over SSL - CONFLICT with registered Cisco protocol Conflict
500/TCP,UDP                                                    ISAKMP, IKE-Internet Key Exchange Official
512/TCP                                                              Remote Process Execution